About us

About us

The three of us are translators or interpreters and have added our own experiences made in many work situations to create our brainchild 'LookUp'.

Christoph Stoll, Conference Interpreter AIIC

Apart from simultaneous interpreting at scientific conventions Chris teaches interpreting at Heidelberg University. In addition, his research includes studies on interpreting workflow, electronic resources in conference interpretation and interpreter training and the technical pitfalls of videoconferences.

Dr. Frank Austermühl

Frank holds a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, Translation Studies and Computational Linguistics form Heidelberg University. He is the head of the terminology group at the School of Applied Linguistics and Cultural Studies at the University of Mainz. The author of several books and articles on the digitization of the discipline of translation, among others Electronic Translation Tools, Frank's other research interest include the study of political discourse and terminology, cultural issues of translation, and the issue of e-learning in the Humanities.

Sabine Meyer

Sabine holds a degree in translations and a post-graduate degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. She is currently working on her Ph.D. in translation studies. A gifted translator and ingenious programmer, she is the heart of the project.

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